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Fellow FIPI

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Mr. V. Kannan

Fellow (FIPI)

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Mr. A. Kuppuswamy

Fellow (FIPI)

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Mr. K. Ramamruthy

Fellow (FIPI)

Mr. G. K. Srinivasan
Mr. G. K. Srinivasan


blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Mr. Siddhartha Roy

Fellow (FIPI)

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Dr. Rajeev S. Basargekar

Fellow (FIPI)

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Mr. Babu Padmanabhan


Mr. Prabuddha Das Gupta
Mr. Prabuddha Das Gupta

Fellow (FIPI)

Mr. J, K. Vadodaria
Mr. J, K. Vadodaria

Fellow (FIPI)

Mr. Bipin M. Shah
Mr. Bipin M. Shah

Fellow (FIPI)

Mr. Prem G. Manghani
Mr. Prem G. Manghani


Mr. A. P. Damle

Fellow (FIPI)

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Mr. Arshad Khan

Fellow (FIPI)

Mr. Francis Pinto
Mr. Francis Pinto

Fellow (FIPI)

blank profile picture, mystery man, avatar-973460.jpg
Prof. R. Subbarao


Mr. M. Parthasarthy
Mr. M. Parthasarthy

Fellow (FIPI)

Profile Image
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